Austrian government, the blueprint for Europe’s new wave of populism, fighting for its political life
As Europeans vote in one of the most
consequential elections in recent E.U. history, Austria’s populist coalition
government, seen as a blueprint for several right-wing groups across the
continent, is fighting for its political future.
The country’s charismatic 32-year-old chancellor, Sebastian Kurz
will face a no-confidence vote on May 27 after his coalition government
collapsed thanks to a corruption scandal exposed by a viral video that cost
Heinz-Christian Strache, the country’s vice chancellor, his job.
Kurz came to power in 2017 and formed a right-wing coalition
government between his traditional center-right Austrian People’s Party (OVP)
and the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), which was founded after World War II by
Neo-Nazis, shocking many within the European establishment.
The world’s youngest national leader, Kurz’s bloc ran as a new
brand of traditional conservatives championing economic liberalism and
co-opting the far-right’s platform of being tough on immigration.
The tactic has been tried across Europe, where traditional
center-right parties have aligned themselves with the far-right in an attempt
to contain the rising sense of nationalism that was unleashed during the height
of the refugee crisis in 2015.
Kurz’s political future will be determined the day after
European Union elections, which are currently being held across the 28-member
bloc from May 22-26. The political fallout from the FPO’s major scandal could
be a setback for right-wing nationalist parties in the E.U. elections who are
forecast to make major gains in the European Parliament.
According to a recent survey by the European Council on Foreign
Relations, the fear of rising nationalism and Islamic radicalism surpasses the
fear of migration in several countries, including Austria, and voters are more
likely to turn out to the polls.
Europe’s nationalist and anti-immigrant forces, led by Hungary’s
Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Interior
Minister Matteo Salvini, have made anti-E.U. rhetoric a central part of their
political campaigns. Despite their anti-E.U. rhetoric and Salvini’s past
threats to leave the political union, they are running on platforms of
transforming the institution and providing greater safety and economic security
for their citizens.
E.U. elections tend to be low turnout affairs, but Orban,
Salvini, and other populists are calling attention to the failures of the E.U.
and trying to rally nationalist support in order to bring fundamental changes
to Brussels.
Populists across Europe blame the E.U. for many of their
countries ills, including low wages, high unemployment, and the rising cost of
living. Even with this vitriol toward Brussels, public opinion polls show
support for the E.U. at its highest levels since 1983 and almost 92 percent of
voters feel they will be left behind if the E.U. were to collapse.
Still, the election will come down to how voters feel about the
current state of the E.U. and the direction it will go. The far-right is hoping
to appeal to disenfranchised voters and return to a traditional, values-based
Even with the turmoil racking Austrian politics, it is unlikely
to have a major impact on the E.U. elections currently taking place. Austria is
a small country with minimal influence and the troubles of the FPO are
effectively a domestic political concern.
“Domestic affairs dominate and inter-party alliances seem to
play a truly minor role. I would, therefore, assume that other parties of the
more radical right are largely unaffected and will bring home more or less
their share of votes ‘earned’ in domestic politics,” Wolfgang Müller, the head
of the University of Vienna’s Department of Government, told Fox News.
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